Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pay-it-Forward Painting Give Away
She announces her pay it forward painting giveaway from selected paintings. Renteria would like to play it forward by giving away a painting to any person or group that can answer these three riddles. The clues are taken from three paintings on view at Artomatic. Please email your responses to cindyart1@yahoo.com and for further information visit her blog http://cindyart1.blogspot.com
Riddle Deadline July 8 2009 Midnight
1 Painting- Bayou- Riddle
The Bayou is so full of colors and life spreading out upon the water. You see me standing by the waters edge what do I do as I watch the sky?
2. Painting- Before the Storm – Riddle
I became like this after the storm. I entered a scene from a children’s story that was so long ago and so far away? Can tell me what story I became part of so I can tell the tale today?
3. Painting-In I’ll fly away- Riddle
Travel my life, travel my dreams, and remember my tomorrow and we see me as I fly into a night of dreams. Can you tell who is flying with me? But most of all where in the summer do I love to go?
1.One entry per person or per group
2. Winner will be notified by email
3. Only one winner will be chosen.
4. The winner will be the entry that answers all three riddles.
5. If more then one entry with correct answers.
Winner will be drawn randomly.
6. Only entries from U.S.A
7. Winner picks painting from selected paintings
8. Entry must email by Deadline July 8 2009 Midnight